- Sold Out Shows Across the Country -
Due to overwhelming demand, a second MetLife Stadium show on July 12 has been added for "ON THE RUN TOUR: BEYONCÉ AND JAY Z".
Tickets for the July 12 show for "ON THE RUN TOUR: BEYONCÉ AND JAY Z" go on sale to the general public starting Saturday, June 7th at 10am EST through the Live Nation Mobile APP and www.livenation.com.
"On The Run: Beyoncé and JAY Z," in partnership with #BeyGOOD, will donate $1 from every ticket purchased to the Shawn Carter Foundation to support students.
The mission of the Shawn Carter Foundation is to help individuals facing socio-economic hardships further their education at institutions of higher learning. Students served by the Shawn Carter Foundation represent diverse backgrounds, and face significant barriers to success such as teen pregnancy, homelessness, poverty, former incarceration, sexual and domestic abuse, and gang membership. The Foundation supports these students on the run to greatness through its scholarship fund, annual college tours, study abroad experiences, counseling initiatives, and holiday toy and meal drives. For more information visit www.shawncartersf.com.
Launched in 2013, #BeyGOOD inspires people everywhere to be kind, be charitable and get involved in their local communities. To date, over 2 million fans have joined in to raise awareness and resources for causes important to them. For more information about the charities we support visit, www.Beyonce.com/BeyGood and follow us on Twitter @BeyGood